Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Definitive Fashion Victim Moment

I was lusting after some neon pink shutter shades here on ebay and happened to see this pastel pink pair after lunch today at a Thai street fashion exhibition cum stall at Vivocity. It was definitely a fashion-victim moment for me when I bought it on impulse but I'm a happy victim. Haha


Angie hearts said...

haha~ those are very cute~! good find~

Anonymous said...

Those are crazy! I love that cute pink color! :)

Fashion Addict said...

cute, and something I have never seen before!!!

Love your blog... wanna link up with mine?

littlebird said...

ooooh lets see you wearing them : )

queengilda said...

i've always wondered... are those horizontal lines supposed to do anything??? it's a great color though, nothing like the boring white ones.

Sunglasses Guy said...

I've been thinking about getting a pair of those, kind of as a joke, but I just really wouldn't know where to wear them. A bar maybe? They might hurt your eyes if you wear them outside.

Anonymous said...

i tried these on but they make me crazy dizzy~