I've been reading about Wear Palettes and it seems like everyone is raving about it. WP has painstakingly complied the colors of photos from the Sartorialist. The colors on the site, looks great and everything, but I genuinely don't get it. I've been puzzled for a while and finally I pluck up my courage to blog about this today. I'm not trying to be offensive, just curious.
Why would anyone want to refer to a palette for? Is it more as a resource for the professionals? I thought the fun about dressing up is to mix and match my own colors. The process of thinking through whether the colors match is part of the fun of fashion for me.
Then again, I'm a layman, and not a graphic designer for that matter. If anyone could enlighten me on Wear Palettes, I would be most happy to hear from you.
Post-script on 24 Apr AM: I found the words to describe another puzzling thought when I woke up this morning - there are millions of wonderful permutations with colors, so by limiting ourselves to a palette, we are missing out on a lot more?
i think wear palettes encourages people to experiment with wearing more colours at a go. the lucky few, like you? haha, will be adept at picking and choosing colours to wear at will, but i'm personally pretty weary! so i guess wp helps in this way.
you're not alone! i thought i was the only one being blur about this.
i love bright colours.
great blog :)
Hey Sheryl, i've done the same :)) i don't know why i didnt do it earlier, lol.
wow i've never heard about wear palettes...i feel deprived! its really interesting to look at though
nice blog!
the girl in the picture is gorgeous!
never heard about "inspiration"? You can be inspired by a combination you never tried/thought, without being a photocopy of it.
Why do you buy an already made (like the palettes) shirt if you can experiment sewing together tea towels? It's much more fun.
Then, is nice to experiment, but there are colors (particulary when you wear them) that don't match at all.
That's a fun blog. I definitely think about colors that way when I dress...well, when I take the time to!
yeah exactly, i think experimenting with the colours yourself is much more interesting and totally sastifying when you got it right.... and people telling you they love it. :D :D
i really think the author of wear palettes is just having fun. he is taking beautiful photos taken by the sartorialist and dissecting one aspect of what makes the photo and fashion choice so great.
Hmm...I guess I do think about colours when I dress but it's not really concious. Love your blog, I've linked you :)
Btw I've tagged you, hope you don't mind but if you want to, see my blog for the details :)
Interesting point... I wonder if the people in the pictures thought about it. It certainly can be inspiration to wear more colours (like jo said), and it makes an interesting read. Great blog!
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